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Jan. 20, 2025

The Woman (with Katie Rich)

Welcome back to Val Verde's Number One Classic Radio Station, 108.9 The Hawk! Whisp Turlington and Geoff “The Angry Man” Garlock start 2025 with a BANG as their guest is the one and only, “Woman (Katie Rich).” That’s right. THE WOMAN. If you listened to rock radio in Chicago in the 90’s, you’ll immediately recognize The Woman’s voice as she was an integral part of many morning and afternoon radio shows. 

  • Mandatory Breast Implants: Yep, The Woman’s co-workers made her get them.
  • Oh, You Will Drive 55: Even though Samuel Hagar lost the election for Mayor, his 55mph declaration is still being implemented and Val Verde is pissed! Art Spart has your traffic update.
  • No More Interns: Find out why 108.9 The Hawk can no longer have interns. 
  • Collective Soul Tickets: Listen for your chance to win Collective Soul tickets all week long on The Hawk!


Sponsored by: Nirvana Shirt Warehouse and Two Dogs from Phil Collins!


Guest Starring: Katie Rich (Saturday Night Live, Chicago Party Aunt, Harley Quinn)


Love 108.9 The Hawk? THEN DIVE ON IN!


Geoff Garlock (00:06)
No, Jesus!

You always think you're ready for it.

Jason Gore (00:15)
my God, I am never ready for that. The A-Tonal Horns by Chicago, 25 or 64 right here on 108.9 The Hawk, The Geoff and Whist Show. Good morning, and I hope that woke you up because it certainly woke me up.

Geoff Garlock (00:31)
I'm gonna say something that no one has ever said as a joke before. That made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Jason Gore (00:34)

Nobody has said that literally. No one has you came up with that on the spot. Well, I gotta say that's that is what you've been saying about 2025 new start new Geoff. Geoff on the spot. Garlock is what they should call you. They should really call you that legally.

Geoff Garlock (00:40)
No one's ever said that one.

That's A, just starting strong. Starting strong with new material. That's my type five about throwing up in my mouth a little bit.

I mean, I'm still the anchorman legally, but on the spot, yes,

we'll do.

Jason Gore (01:00)
On the spot. Hey, it is the Geoff and Whisp show. Good morning, everybody. It's 615. If you are just waking up. Hope you I you know, we would usually say you're probably fired by now. But I think you do have time to get on out there and get to your job. I am pulling for you this time 2025. It's an all new thing. I don't want you to get fired.

Geoff Garlock (01:15)
think you have time.


doesn't look like my fingers are crossed, but they're crossed. If you were looking at me, you would see these things are crossed for you, then you get to your slob job.

Jason Gore (01:25)
They're crossed. They are looking across the table here. You would see

some cross puppies right there. So you can get to your slob job. my god, Geoff, I gotta tell you about what happened last night. Holy hell. I had one heck of a time. We were down at the annual.

Geoff Garlock (01:40)
please do.

Jason Gore (01:47)
Sultans of Swing induction ceremony at the Sharneys Van Morrison Theater of Music, Thought and Progress. Of course, that's in downtown Val Verde right there at the bottom in the feet, some would say of Sharneys Tower. And my God. The body, the feet, that's what they say when the construction brothers are putting together a building, they're like, well, we start with the feet.

Geoff Garlock (02:03)
It's usually what we call the bottom of a building. The feet of the building.

my god. Which is your first problem, you got the construction bros doing that building.

Jason Gore (02:16)
You got a big problem there if you got the construction brothers doing most of the construction in Val Verde. If

Geoff Garlock (02:16)
my god. boy.

Jason Gore (02:21)
we get an earthquake, all I'm gonna say is, good luck. We're all going down, but not me because Turlington Manor is basically a bunker. pure adamantium. I said, hey, what's that Australian guy got in his bones? And they said,

Geoff Garlock (02:25)
We're all going down very quickly.

My god, pure adamantium at the feet of your building. My god.

And you said

the greatest showman?

Jason Gore (02:44)
The great, you know where he's like, he keeps getting the shit kicked out of him and he keeps rehealing in song. I want that in my building.

Geoff Garlock (02:51)
Beautiful song. Beautiful song, my guy.

Jason Gore (02:55)
But aside, aside, aside, I was at the Sultans of Swing induction ceremony last night, right there, and Carson Daly was being inducted. Let's give a good clap for Carson Daly there, of course. He deserves it. Of course, I got in in 1989, me and Michael Keaton, or Michael Keaton Douglas, as he likes to be called now. And a lot of people say, Whisp, what are the Sultans of Swing?

Geoff Garlock (03:07)
He deserves one.

And you shouldn't be asking because it's an annual thing, but I don't know what the agreement is.

Jason Gore (03:24)
It's an annual thing,

as an organization formed by Mark Knopfler from the Dire Straits, the Sultans of Swing are just like the Illuminati, but a lot of people would say stronger, more powerful, and definitely meaner. So, so a, a Sultans of Swing salute to you, tootoo! That's the sound we have to make, to Carson Daly. No picking.

Geoff Garlock (03:41)
my god, so mean.

And you have to make your hand to do no picking for guitars. Just

Jason Gore (03:53)
You gotta do the no picking Mark Knopfler.

Geoff Garlock (03:54)
all fingers. No picking Mark Naffy.

Jason Gore (03:58)
Oh my God. Hey, also some big stuff on the show. Big stuff, Big Truck. He's broadcasting live at the grand opening of Sammy Hagar's Traffic School. Now you say you can't drive 55, but God damn it, you're gonna learn at Sammy Hagar's Traffic School. Big Truck's gonna be down there from six until 10 this morning, so head on out there. He's got k-coosies and t-t-t-t-shirts, and we'll probably check in with him. And that's...

Geoff Garlock (04:22)
The only business, by

the way, that has Sammy Hagar's name that is not licensed by Sammy Hagar. This is an illegal traffic school. My God. And you know what? He was just like, hey, this one, I'm going to let it go. You're fighting for the good cause. This one, I'm usually very litigious, but this one, let's just let it slide. And thank you, Mr. Red Rocker.

Jason Gore (04:27)
It's illegally using his name. It's an illegal traffic school. And then

I'm gonna let this one pass. Yeah.


oh, we let we salute to you, Red Rocker. Yeah. Hey, do you have who sponsors our show? Because Scotty does not have the paper on my desk.

Geoff Garlock (04:48)
little knuffler to ya.

no no, hold on, I've got it here, right here. Yes, of course. Today's

Geoff and Whip show is brought to you by the new ride share in town, Fog Car. That's right. You ain't got Uber, you ain't got Lyft, we got Fog Car. The only ride share owned and operated and driven by the guys in a fog hat. That's Fog Car, where they want you to take it easy and they'll get you where you need to go in the slowest rides in Valverde. And that is a warning, if you are taking Fog Car.

Jason Gore (05:22)
Yeah, if you are an idiot.

Geoff Garlock (05:23)
You gotta allot yourself

at least an hour, extra hour and a half. Minimum.

Jason Gore (05:27)

I say anytime a fog card picks me up three hours because it is the slowest ride in Val Verde. my God, it's like. Jesus, I didn't get a lift. fuck. Wrong app again, but a right app today as they are sponsors of the Geoff and Whisp show. my God.

Geoff Garlock (05:33)

And you hear that kick drum coming down the street and you're like, can we

geez. My god, I use the wrong app apparently, but

Jason Gore (05:56)
my God, we got a great guest coming in in just a second. But Geoff, I got to tell you, I'm only drinking coffee this morning.

Geoff Garlock (06:02)
Wait a second. Ex-squeeze me baking powder, beep beep beep, back it up. Is my nose deceiving me? Hold on, sniff sniff. I ain't smelling no cognac. You are not lying.

Jason Gore (06:05)
Yep, I'm only drinking coffee this morning.


I love that

whenever I would watch any episode of Kojak, and that was his way to find things out. He was like, hold on a second, sniff sniff. And they would cut out the sniff sniff. They would edit that out of the show. And no matter how many times, because I was on set so many times, one of my good best friends in the entire world, Telly Savalas. I'm like, maybe Telly don't do the sniff sniff. I think it's fun. I personally think it's great.

Geoff Garlock (06:18)
my god.

You know, I gotta

say, that's a damn shame. And by the way, this is a segment of I Gotta Say That's a Damn Shame.

Jason Gore (06:43)
Is this a damn shame? Okay,

hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, on, on, on, shame,

Geoff Garlock (06:52)
You know, I gotta say, that's a damn shame that they cut out all those sniff-sniffs from Kojak because if there's one thing I want from a bald detective sucking on a dum-dum is that he is sniffing up a storm and solving clues, picking up cases and saying, hey, I smell it.

And that's all I gotta say on that one.

Jason Gore (07:13)
I thought you were gonna say you dealt it, because he did that for the pilot and you know, it didn't really work. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (07:15)
no, no, You know, that was just the pilot though. And then they researched it, they put it through a focus group

and they realized it had to be just, I smelt it. And then the U-Delt it was just, was showing your hand a little early.

Jason Gore (07:22)
It just...I smelled it.

It was a little creepy because I did see the original cut of the Kojak pilot where he says, I smelt it. You dealt it. And they did that 70s TV where it just freezes. And then there's the name of the creator. And this is like, God, he's pointing at me the whole time. Tic Tac loves Kojak.

Geoff Garlock (07:39)
my God, it was fantastic. And we don't need to explain this, of course, because TikTok currently is blowing up with Kojak material.

Jason Gore (07:48)
I would say any, because this does go out as a podcast. We've been told this by our boss, boss wrong and by our producer behind the glass right there, Scotty. This does go out as a podcast. And in podcasting world, they love it when you talk about things like Kojak, Dire Straits, Carson Daly, Van Morrison. And I mean, any Sammy Hagar joke goes.

Geoff Garlock (08:05)
huh. huh. huh.

Jason Gore (08:13)
That's called a broad joke, Geoff. I don't know. learning jokes I want you to know for this new year for your tight five.

Geoff Garlock (08:15)
That's just...

If you're

going to UCB Valverde, they're gonna teach you in them sketch classes. First class, they're gonna teach you the difference between parody and pastiche, because that's the thing you gotta know. And then, oh my God, I love pastiche so much. Once it gets into parody country, I'm like, I don't wanna think here too much. I just want it copied. I just want...

Jason Gore (08:22)
Yeah. my God, they're going to teach you.

Yep. Mm-hmm. I'm a pastiche man myself. Love it. We're both wearing purple shirts.

I didn't mean to interrupt

you there, Geoff, but I had to say, we're both wearing purple shirts.

Geoff Garlock (08:45)

Let's wear purple shirts today. my-

Jason Gore (08:50)
I don't know how it

happened, but I'm going to bring in our guest here and talk to him a little bit, but I have to tell I got to finish telling you about why I'm drinking coffee. you know, I guess he might as well hear it. Ladies and

Geoff Garlock (09:02)

Jason Gore (09:05)
he does a podcast. Patrick Cotton.

Patrick Cotnoir (09:09)
Hi guys, thank you so much for having me. This is my first time on morning radio, so this is... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jason Gore (09:13)
Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

Geoff Garlock (09:14)
Wait wait

Jason Gore (09:15)
wait, wait,

Geoff Garlock (09:16)
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Jason Gore (09:16)
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

Patrick Cotnoir (09:20)

no, no, no, I've been on afternoon radio, but not morning radio. Can I tell you about my afternoon radio appearance? In middle school, I used to call the local classic rock station every single day and ask them to play piano man. yeah, yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jason Gore (09:24)
that's come on, please, please.

Geoff Garlock (09:24)
sure. Afternoon, drive time, late night, art bell.

Jason Gore (09:30)
I hope so.

Geoff Garlock (09:31)

Jason Gore (09:33)

Geoff Garlock (09:41)

Jason Gore (09:42)
Really, you were that kid. You

were that kid because our afternoon show, we have one kid, we have one kid on our afternoon show with Big Truck and Greg Lemonsauer, but he always calls in for Dream Warriors by docking.

Geoff Garlock (09:45)
We all had one kid that was that kid.

Patrick Cotnoir (09:47)
Mm hmm.

Yes, also a great choice. But one day they had to say, hey man, we've played it every day this week. We can't play it again.

Jason Gore (09:56)

Literally any, I'm guessing was this in the Northeast, Patrick? Literally any shocking!

Patrick Cotnoir (10:05)
Yeah, yeah it was Connecticut. was

Geoff Garlock (10:07)
That is shocking that someone in the northeast

would be requesting Billy Joel that much. really?

Patrick Cotnoir (10:10)
a Northern Connecticut.

Jason Gore (10:13)
shocking that a station

in northern Connecticut hasn't already played piano man four times on the hour every hour.

Geoff Garlock (10:21)
that's the thing I'm most

shocked about. I assume we were just coming out of the Joel hour.

Jason Gore (10:25)
Yeah, you're

Patrick Cotnoir (10:25)

I just felt like they played him so much already, you might as well keep doing it. You know, in retrospect, I should have switched it up and been like, Vienna, know, going to good dayong, like give up.

Jason Gore (10:34)
god, please.

Geoff Garlock (10:34)
But that's usually Northeast Classic

Radio's motto. You've been playing it so much, why not just keep playing it? When it comes to Mr. Joel.

Jason Gore (10:40)
Because every station

in the Northeast might as well just be.

Piano Man 102. Piano Man. Every minute, every hour, every day, we celebrate the- Whoa, Harmonica- I thought you were the Piano Man, I didn't know you were the Harmonica Man. Jesus, someone's really bragging that he can play other instruments in song. Okay.

Geoff Garlock (10:57)
You know it's gonna kick in with that harmonica? Alright. Jesus. I guess we've got other things going on here, piano man. My God. Jesus. Playing the friggin'

French horn in the flugelhorn right after that. Alright, Billy. Jeez.

Jason Gore (11:15)
Play us a song,

you're the French horn man. I would love it. I would love every fucking second. Billy.

Geoff Garlock (11:19)
my god. If Billy Joel just

started doing sequels to Piano Man like he was Metallica doing Unforgiven, 24.

Jason Gore (11:27)
piano man four, he's the old man down in the ground and he's scratching his number into the lane. So, OK, let me say my story real quick, Patrick, and then we'll talk about while you're here. know, Dr. Jimmy, my doctor, everybody's doctor here in Valverde said I can no longer have more wine, which is what I like to scream out to just to Scotty there and to fill up my my.

Geoff Garlock (11:31)
played a flugelhorn.

Patrick Cotnoir (11:37)
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (11:49)
There it is.

Jason Gore (11:53)
Goblet here with with more wine, but Scotty not this morning because apparently if I have any more wine Geoff My heart will explode And it's not just exploding. It is super nova-ing according to dr. Jimmy. So it'll take the planet Earth. It will be wine From Carlo and Rossi one of those jugs that took my father down. That's what my dad drank himself to death

Geoff Garlock (12:03)
Get outta here.

real champagne supernova but more with wine from the band live so... my god. my god. Ernest Borgnine jug wine,

one of my favorite wines.

Jason Gore (12:22)
Jugwai- Borg-9

jugs. If they're not- if you're not drinking Borg-9 jugs, get the fuck out. I loved all of those commercials. But I could take the planet Earth with me, so it's coffee and I've got a really cute mug here. We're gonna be selling it on the website. I'd rather be in bed.

Geoff Garlock (12:37)
I mean, if Dr.

Jimmy's saying it, then you gotta follow it. And I'm assuming you're chasing it up with also some brain juice in there. Because Patrick, if you don't know, we are of course not sponsored, but I'm basically sponsored by Brain Juice, which is this wonderful nootropic that you have got to try. And it's literally whatever you need it to do. And this is not snake oil. Do not believe, when people have been saying that.

Jason Gore (12:44)
Jesus Christ, every comedian, you know...

Patrick Cotnoir (12:48)

Jason Gore (12:50)
Brain juice! Yep.

Patrick Cotnoir (12:54)
interesting. What does it do? me more. wow. Okay.

Jason Gore (12:58)
Yeah, whatever you needed to, No, don't say that.

Patrick Cotnoir (13:02)


Jason Gore (13:04)
Yeah, people been saying it.

Geoff Garlock (13:05)
And straight up, just

everywhere, just this is snake oil. And there is a little bit of snake oil in there, but anything that ails ya, it'll gales ya, if you know what I mean. And that's their new motto, from Brain Juice.

Patrick Cotnoir (13:14)
Have you guys tried to get

sponsored by them?

Geoff Garlock (13:17)
You know... Yeah. Yes.

Jason Gore (13:17)
Well, there have been some phone calls. We called Pete Holmes and we asked Pete if he could

Patrick Cotnoir (13:20)

Jason Gore (13:22)
hook it up for us. And he's like, no, guys, that painter is kind of mine. And we're like, OK, whatever. was like, whoa, it's Pete Holmes in the room. Dead on. We do have a comedian doing a podcast is right here.

Patrick Cotnoir (13:24)

Geoff Garlock (13:27)
And we got all any, any pod. my goodness. was dead on. I thought we had a comedian doing a podcast. We don't have comedian doing a podcast. Are you sponsored

by Braintrex? What is your new tropic that is sponsoring your comedy podcast?

Jason Gore (13:40)
Yeah, what is your new traffic for your pod? Could you tell us about your podcast,

Patrick Cotnoir (13:44)
Yeah. can I tell you about the podcast or do you want to know about the sponsors? Yeah. Yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah.

Jason Gore (13:44)
Patrick? Please, that's why you're here. No, but then we want to know who your sponsors are. Let's go.

Geoff Garlock (13:48)
I want both, but yeah, you're here to tell us about the podcast. You're then also here

to tell us about the sponsors.

Jason Gore (13:55)
One podcast and then

Patrick Cotnoir (13:55)
Okay. Yeah.

Jason Gore (13:56)
followed up to see we got to do these hand signals in morning radio. You've never seen this shit. You've seen they don't do this in afternoon radio, Patrick. They do it here. One. it's all just like here comes the plane.

Patrick Cotnoir (13:59)
Sure. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (14:04)
They do semaphore in Afternoon Radio at ya.

Patrick Cotnoir (14:07)
mean this is

also, it's a different experience because I am seeing you guys too, which is not a normal, yes, yes, yes.

Jason Gore (14:10)
Yes, because you're in the studio with us. Yeah, welcome. Welcome to the

Geoff Garlock (14:13)
You're in the studio with

Jason Gore (14:14)
Rack and Roll RV, our home that is based off of an RV. Just to let you know and let the listener know in case it's the first episode that they ever listen to, he used to live here. And also, fact.

Patrick Cotnoir (14:19)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Geoff Garlock (14:21)
that I used to live in. So when we say it's our home

away from home, for me, it literally is like a home away from home. And I go home and it looks exactly like this at one point.

Patrick Cotnoir (14:27)
Literally. Sure.

Jason Gore (14:28)
Is it is.


Patrick, you've got a podcast. Tell us a little bit about that.

Patrick Cotnoir (14:37)
That's true. Yeah, I have this, I have a podcast we started a few weeks ago. It's called Hey, That's Me. Yeah. And it's with, it's me and Brian Lynch, who's a screenwriter. wrote the Secret Life of Pets movies. He wrote the Minions movies. He's written a ton of movies that have made literally billions of dollars. And he's talking to me. I don't know why, but he's talking to me.

Jason Gore (14:43)
Hey, that's me!

Geoff Garlock (14:45)
Hey, that's me.

Jason Gore (14:51)
Good movies. Good movies.


Geoff Garlock (14:56)
And he's talking to you!

Jason Gore (14:59)
Did he create

Geoff Garlock (14:59)

in Illumination's pocket, but he's in your pocket as well. Interesting.

Jason Gore (15:00)
the minion?

Patrick Cotnoir (15:02)
That is true.

He did not create the Minions. He did not write the Despicable Me movies, he wrote the Minions movies. Yes, there... No, no, no, but there is a distinction. And we're doing commentaries on movies and TV shows with people who worked on them who never got to do commentaries on them. So whether that's an actor or writer or a frickin' art director or costume designer, whatever, we're having different people on the show.

Jason Gore (15:06)
He did not create them, okay.

Geoff Garlock (15:10)
so he's not French. Okay, good.

Jason Gore (15:10)
Got you. Okay, I always...

Right, right.

my god, that's-

Geoff Garlock (15:29)
So like the main actor

from Manimal, you maybe have him talk.

Patrick Cotnoir (15:32)
Yeah, we I would love

Jason Gore (15:33)
Would you have the

Patrick Cotnoir (15:34)

Jason Gore (15:34)

Patrick Cotnoir (15:34)
have him. Yeah. Do you have a connection to him? I feel like he probably has been on this show at some point, right?

Geoff Garlock (15:37)

I believe that is his yes.

Patrick Cotnoir (15:42)
You mean Simon

McCorkendale? that who you mean? Guys?

Jason Gore (15:44)
My hoes, I'm in McCorkendale.

Geoff Garlock (15:46)
That's how we get most of our

guesses. We just type, we just type a guess of what it could be and then just put at and most of the time you get it.

Jason Gore (15:53)

Patrick Cotnoir (15:54)
I do have terrible news for you guys. He died 15 years ago.

Jason Gore (15:56)
What's that?


Geoff Garlock (15:59)
my goodness, come on!

Jason Gore (16:01)
Throw the delay, Scotty, we're going to be cursing a lot in this one.

Geoff Garlock (16:04)
Did he die as a

panther or an eagle?

Patrick Cotnoir (16:06)
Great question. He died in London, foggy old London town.

Geoff Garlock (16:11)
So as a panther that. Alright, I

Jason Gore (16:11)

Geoff Garlock (16:12)
get it.

Jason Gore (16:13)
That's what it is, Panther.

Geoff Garlock (16:13)
Alright, well, I guess that's one episode not happening with your new podcast. Alright.

Patrick Cotnoir (16:16)
Yeah, I'm so

Jason Gore (16:17)
So would

you say, because I know from all of my friends that were in the first Scream movie, that Jamie Kennedy was not allowed to do the commentary for that one. Would you do a separate Jamie Kennedy commentary for Scream?

Patrick Cotnoir (16:18)
sorry. Yeah.


Geoff Garlock (16:23)
my god.

Patrick Cotnoir (16:29)
Man that's a great question. I

Geoff Garlock (16:34)
And he just keeps yelling, you're exed, the whole time. And you're like,

Patrick Cotnoir (16:34)

Jason Gore (16:37)
You nicks!

Geoff Garlock (16:37)
Amy, you gotta stop.

Jason Gore (16:38)
You're like, oh come on, we want a little background here, Jamie.

Patrick Cotnoir (16:41)

didn't know that was the case. don't know how much I want to associate with Jamie Kennedy nowadays, but I do. You know, it just feels like he's, he's making some interesting career choices and I don't know if we want to do that. But I do think it would be fun to be like, we are the only Jamie Kennedy scream commentary. After this, now that I've said this publicly, I don't think it's going to happen, but you never know. Okay. All right. he listens.

Jason Gore (16:47)

Geoff Garlock (16:47)
is that? Get into that deeply with us.

Jason Gore (16:50)
Could we get into this deeply?

my god. That would be-

Geoff Garlock (17:01)
I mean.

Jason Gore (17:05)
It's gonna happen now because he listens. He listens. He loves

Geoff Garlock (17:06)
I mean...

Jason Gore (17:09)
the station. He loves the podcast. You know what else loves? There in the nine o'clock hour. Yeah.

Patrick Cotnoir (17:10)

Geoff Garlock (17:11)
I mean, we have Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard here all the time. Speaking of coming up in the seven o'clock hour, Skeet

Patrick Cotnoir (17:14)
Sure. Sure.

Geoff Garlock (17:16)
is gonna be here showing us the difference between Fondue and Raclette, which is gonna be fantastic.

Jason Gore (17:20)
And Matt

Lillard is doing a one-man Death of a Salesman. That's coming up in the nine o'clock hour of the channel. and I'm woo-woo-woo.

Geoff Garlock (17:25)
My goodness, all in the voice of Shaggy.

Patrick Cotnoir (17:27)
Now have you tried to

have Jamie on with him or is that a non-starter? Non-starter. No con-

Jason Gore (17:32)
no, they said no, they said it's a no-go, it's a no-deal.

Geoff Garlock (17:33)
I keep typing

in Jamie at, Jamie Kennedy at I even just typed your X at and that one almost went through. That one worked and he said, fuck you.

Patrick Cotnoir (17:38)
What? Yeah. Yeah.

Jason Gore (17:39)
Jimmy K.

That would work. That would work. I went to a James Kennedy. Yeah.

Patrick Cotnoir (17:44)
Yeah, yeah,

Jason Gore (17:47)
So the, you know, another guy that loves the show, it would be great for your show. And especially if you love comedy, like I love comedy, Rob Schneider has not done a commentary for the animal.

Patrick Cotnoir (17:51)
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. sure.

No, well, I mean, is there a reason or they just didn't ask him?

Geoff Garlock (18:04)
Not one for the hot chick.

Jason Gore (18:07)
They just did not ask him. He was like, I... Yeah, right. He was just in the background. He wasn't even on mic.

Geoff Garlock (18:08)
He did do a commentary for Judge Dredd, but he wasn't asked to do that one. That one is just on.

Patrick Cotnoir (18:11)
That makes sense.

Schneider might be one of the rare host list episodes, you know, where we may not do it, but we'll just give him a mic and let him do it. I don't know if we would release it on our feed, but maybe we would start up a new feed for it, you know?

Jason Gore (18:19)

Geoff Garlock (18:20)


is a new take on podcasts, no hosts and not on your RSS. That's fantastic. That would make our life a lot goddamn easier. I'll tell you that.

Jason Gore (18:28)
What's a new take on that? No, I wish we could do that, honestly, here on what a way point nine the Hawk where the where the guest is

Patrick Cotnoir (18:35)
I'm sure.

Jason Gore (18:36)
just like literally what's happening here. Like they typically are when we're here. We're to talk more about your podcast coming up. But first, my friend, we do have to go to

Patrick Cotnoir (18:41)

Jason Gore (18:48)
What do we point nine the Hawk traffic with art spart? Forever young man wants to be.

Well, if you thought you could slow down the aging process by driving Val Verde's roads this morning, you are out of luck! What a mess. Let's get into it, Spart style. looking at an 82 car insurance seminar on 422 that happened just because a school bus was parked on the shoulder because the driver had to take a whaz, and everyone driving by just had to take a look and they said out loud, hey, is that driver whazing? And boom!

82 cars pretending they are humans in that gross, human centipede movie. Now a lot of you say cinema went off the rails when Citizen Kane was released, but I for one believe it was human centipede. And I will not be renting that again down at Chris Slusarenko's Movies & More right here in Val Verde. You can't fool a Spart twice!

Other than that Soundgarden Boulevard looks pretty clear down to Hawk Street. Hawk Street seeing a slide back up right around Flute Alley for the opening of the new Ian Anderson Jethro Tull Museum. And Gavin Rossdale Avenue can take you right out to the 829 if you're heading out to Shartlesburg this morning, though I have no idea why you would be. And that's traffic.

from the Burt's Funeral Flowers Traffic Desk. I'm Art Spart on 108.9 The Hawk. With Burt's Funeral Flowers. With Burt's Funeral Flowers.

for one, would not be driving down to Shartlesburg

You know if you go down to Charlottesburg Geoff a lot of people say that could be considered Breaking the law

Geoff Garlock (20:27)

Jason Gore (20:28)
I'd rather wait for him in the

God, it feels good to finally get some Henley in the mix from the album building the perfect beast. What would that beast look like to you, Patrick? If Don Henley was like Patrick, we've got to build a beast and Don Henley is clearly acting like Christopher Lloyd. Go on, Patrick.

Geoff Garlock (22:28)
my God, is Headley in studio?

Patrick Cotnoir (22:30)
Yeah. That's what I was going to say. Doc Brown. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (22:35)

Patrick Cotnoir (22:38)
The perfect beast to me. Man, can I have any parameters here?

Jason Gore (22:40)

Any parameters? mean, it's you and Henley, There's so many goddamn parameters on morning radio.

Geoff Garlock (22:43)
Any parameters? This is morning radio. I know on afternoon radio they give you parameters, but...

Patrick Cotnoir (22:50)
Well, okay, the perfect beast. Maybe a panther?

Geoff Garlock (22:55)
Good, manimal style. Yeah, yeah.

Patrick Cotnoir (22:56)
Is that the perfect beast? Manimal style.

Jason Gore (22:57)
animal. It's like you're in

London. My god.

Patrick Cotnoir (22:59)
Yes. Yeah. Like a robot panther. That's what I would, that would be my perfect beast. think not a good answer, but it's an answer. You know? No, no.

Jason Gore (23:05)
And you as a kid would be listening. You as a kid would know I don't, you know, like we want just

Geoff Garlock (23:08)
we don't like good answers on morning radio. We only want answers.

Jason Gore (23:12)
answers. Good or bad, just we got to fill some space between now and that war song we got to play it like.

Patrick Cotnoir (23:14)

Geoff Garlock (23:18)
Four goddamn hours we gotta talk here, Jesus

Patrick Cotnoir (23:19)

Geoff Garlock (23:21)

Patrick Cotnoir (23:21)
Who comes on after you guys?

Jason Gore (23:23)
that's the Geoff Tilt and Melinda Tilt Divorced Mid-Days. Now we don't know if they are married right now or if they're divorced, but you're going to hear them from 10 until 3 right here next.

Patrick Cotnoir (23:30)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Geoff Garlock (23:36)
No matter what, Melinda is still

a Matrix-style neo, breaking through reality and... And the basis for the TV show Minx, which I believe is not in the air anymore. But would you do an episode on the TV show Minx? Absolutely you would, that's what I thought. These are some... I'll tell you what, this is just coming off the...

Jason Gore (23:40)
Yep. Yep. I thought you were gonna say Minx. And I was like, uh-oh, Geoff. Uh-oh, Geoff Tilt. Yep. She is the basis. my God.

Patrick Cotnoir (23:53)
absolutely Lenin Lenin parm Oscar Montoya bring them all in

Jason Gore (23:56)
Would you? my God,

get the minks crew.

Geoff Garlock (24:01)
the top of the dome. is just morning sky, blue sky in it here. We need to get right now with a former guest on the Geoff and Wiss morning show, Griffin Newman, doing the TV show vinyl. The only thing that he ever did in his career that was worthwhile.

Patrick Cotnoir (24:02)

Jason Gore (24:03)
Minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, minx crew, my God, have you ever, you ever talked to this guy?

Patrick Cotnoir (24:05)
That sounds great. We, you know what I would do up. Yeah.



yes, yes, yes.

Jason Gore (24:20)
He was like, he was like, this is going to last forever.

Patrick Cotnoir (24:21)
I agree.

Geoff Garlock (24:24)
Because if there's one person I've always associated and I've told this right to his face with classic rock, it is Griffin Newman.

Patrick Cotnoir (24:24)

Jason Gore (24:28)
Right to his face.

Do you know why vinyl ended? I know exactly why vinyl ended. Real cocaine on set, number one, because my good best friend in the world, Mick Jagger, was on set the same day I was on set, because Griffin invited me. And I'm there, and I'm like, that's a lot of real cocaine, fellas. And Scorsese's in the background. Marty, to his friends, so I call him Marty, of course. And here comes Jagger.

Geoff Garlock (24:34)
Cocaine, but that's what why do you think it ended?

Patrick Cotnoir (24:35)

Why do you think? Yeah. Sure.

Geoff Garlock (24:52)

Marty to his friends.

Patrick Cotnoir (24:56)

Jason Gore (25:01)
What are my good best friends in the world? Real piece of shit. What are my good best friends in the world? He comes in and he's like. What the hell is this shit? And that was it. They're like rap cut Marty's gone. Marty was already in right when Mick was like, whoa, Marty was getting into his limo and it was speeding out and and Griffin was like, God, what happened? I'm like, I think Mick Jagger just canceled your show.

Patrick Cotnoir (25:02)

Geoff Garlock (25:10)
my god, he's here.

Patrick Cotnoir (25:13)
That's it.

Geoff Garlock (25:22)
He was done.

He said,

and Whisp said to him directly, goes, there goes your career, Griffin.

Jason Gore (25:31)
There goes your


Patrick Cotnoir (25:32)

I knew that that show had been renewed for season two and then was unrenewed. I didn't know that the reason for that was Jagger. Wow.

Geoff Garlock (25:37)
It is why. And then immediately,

Jason Gore (25:38)
That's why. That's why.

Geoff Garlock (25:40)
Jagger got in a limo, goes over to SNL and goes, this shit's fantastic. And then they just kept on going until our 50th anniversary and no rest in power to SNL.

Jason Gore (25:46)
I'm not laughing at law!

Patrick Cotnoir (25:47)
It got, that's amazing.

Jason Gore (25:49)
And Rudy Giuliani was

there and he was like, well, it's never been funny.

Geoff Garlock (25:53)
Exactly, the famous quote from Rudy Giuliani. Well, this show has always sucked.

Jason Gore (25:55)
The famous quote from Rudy Giuliani.

Patrick Cotnoir (25:56)
Well, it's never.

Jason Gore (25:59)
Wait, if you could build a perfect beast that included a little Rudy Giuliani, but I'm talking the one that's in a wheelchair now, would it include that?

Patrick Cotnoir (26:02)

well it's never been funny quote.

Jason Gore (26:10)
No, no, no, you're we're still talking. God damn it. This is you got to be on your feet, Patrick. It's morning radio. This isn't any of that fucking afternoon. Like this is a piano man. One or two having a good time here. Happy afternoon.

Geoff Garlock (26:12)
No, that just goes, we don't even need to, that happens no matter what.

Patrick Cotnoir (26:15)
include what? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it's early excuse me it is it is what?

Geoff Garlock (26:18)
This ain't no afternoon radio bullshit.

Patrick Cotnoir (26:25)

Whisp, the radio station that I used to call into was Rock 102.

Jason Gore (26:31)
my God. Well, the demons from that station are leaking into the demons of this station because all rock and roll stations have demons and they talk to each other and they bring it in. Now back to the perfect beast. You can use pieces from Rudy Giuliani, but Rudy Giuliani now, what would you use in the wheelchair? Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (26:32)
my god.

Patrick Cotnoir (26:42)
Yes. Yes.

in wheelchair. I'd put him in the wheelchair. I would

have the oil leaking out like his hair dye. Remember that? Going down the side of the beast.

Jason Gore (26:53)
yeah. God, that was best. He was like,

Geoff Garlock (26:54)

Jason Gore (26:57)
nobody's going to notice this.

Geoff Garlock (27:00)
and he said it out loud and we were like, Rudy, hate to break it to you.

Patrick Cotnoir (27:00)
huh. Yeah.

Jason Gore (27:03)
I hate

to break it to you. You're on the stage of 8H. It's just going out to everybody right now, really.

Geoff Garlock (27:10)
You've got a bit of a leak there, Rudy. 100%.

Patrick Cotnoir (27:12)
Do you think he'll be up to 50?

Jason Gore (27:14)
Oh, 100 % 100 %

Patrick Cotnoir (27:15)
You think he's

gonna walk the car- or roll the carpet, I guess?

Jason Gore (27:16)
Oh, he know what's gonna happen is they're gonna push him out in his wheelchair and Chevy Chase is gonna be in his lap and he's gonna be like this should feel embarrassing.

Patrick Cotnoir (27:20)
Yeah. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (27:26)
And Hilda, the things coming out of Chevy Chase's mouth, my god.

Jason Gore (27:30)
Yeah, if

you want to, if you think there are things leaking out of old Rudy Giuliani, the stuff that's going to be leaking out of the third Amigo is going to just set you on fire. Who do you think is going to be at the, who are the shock surprises? Let's play a little game here on the Geoff and Whisp show shocks. And we did prepare this one. We shocks and surprises of the SNL. Let's just get into it. Cause I cannot find the music. Okay.

Geoff Garlock (27:34)
Ho ho

Patrick Cotnoir (27:44)
man. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (27:47)
And this is a game we had prepared ahead of time, just to let you know. Shock surprise guests at SNL 50th anniversary.

Patrick Cotnoir (27:51)

Because there were

some, well I'll let you play your music and then we'll, okay.

Jason Gore (28:00)
No, no, no, I can't fucking find it.

Geoff Garlock (28:02)

Jason Gore (28:02)
Scotty, where is it?

Geoff Garlock (28:02)
find everything. I think you got Henley'd again. As we all know, after the New Year's came, we all were worried about Don Henley coming in. I think he came. he got it.

Jason Gore (28:06)
my god, he really built the perfect beast right here, didn't he?

Patrick Cotnoir (28:09)
Do want me to, I can just sing.

Jason Gore (28:12)
here's the

game. Who's going to be the biggest shock surprises at SNL 50? Patrick, you're the guest. get to go first.

Patrick Cotnoir (28:23)
Well, I was going to say there were a lot of weird ones at 40 because, you know, Palin was there. our future president was there. I mean, Michael Palin. Yeah. Three time host Michael Palin, I think.

Jason Gore (28:26)
Uh-huh. Yeah. You mean Michael Palin from...

I was like,

who let three time host Michael Palin in? He's like, well, I was invited. I you host three times. He doesn't he didn't even get a third time or jacket. This did he?

Patrick Cotnoir (28:39)
You get...

Geoff Garlock (28:44)
My God, I love the third timer sketch. One of my favorite sketch skits.

Jason Gore (28:47)
Yeah, anytime you get a third

Patrick Cotnoir (28:47)

Jason Gore (28:49)
timer in there. Okay.

Patrick Cotnoir (28:49)
it's funny who will be the surprise host the surprise guest I don't know maybe the Nightbitch from the movie Nightbitch she might be there yeah you can watch it

Geoff Garlock (28:58)
yes. Currently streaming on Peacock, so it is like

Jason Gore (29:00)
Working on a Nightbitch Curly streaming

Geoff Garlock (29:05)
a cross.

Jason Gore (29:05)
on Hulu Watching that Nightbitch

Patrick Cotnoir (29:07)

Timothy Chalamet as Bob Dylan He might Yes, yes and Let's see who though and count Orlok himself From the new Nosferatu I think I think no no no count Orlok himself the actual That's who I mean he's gonna be there he's gonna be in a celebrity jeopardy sketch, and it's gonna be really funny

Jason Gore (29:14)
please. And Bob Dylan as Timothy Chalamet. Better be.

Geoff Garlock (29:15)

Jason Gore (29:23)
my god.

Geoff Garlock (29:25)
Of course, scars guard.

not scars the actual when you say my goodness the actual count or like

Jason Gore (29:31)


my God, I hope so.

Geoff Garlock (29:40)
That does

sound very funny.

Jason Gore (29:41)
I hope though I hope the whole show is just one big celebrity celebrity jeopardy. And it's Sean Connery.

Patrick Cotnoir (29:42)
That was pretty fun.

Geoff Garlock (29:47)
Sean Connery,

Patrick Cotnoir (29:48)

Geoff Garlock (29:50)
the actual Count Orlok.

Patrick Cotnoir (29:51)
or a lot.

Jason Gore (29:52)
Count Orlok. You can't have rest in peace, rest in power. Norm MacDonald, can't have Norm MacDonald in there. David.

Geoff Garlock (29:56)
Rest in peace, rest in power, Norm MacDonald. But probably David Duchovny and

Patrick Cotnoir (29:57)
Yeah. Yeah.

Goat Boy.

Geoff Garlock (30:03)
someone doing a terrible, and Goat Boy, it will be Goat Boy doing a David Duchovny impression.

Jason Gore (30:06)
please. 100

% they are inviting more back for the 50th. Victoria Jackson will be there. She'll have a little bit where she gets to sing something anti-vax on a ukulele.

Geoff Garlock (30:12)
my god.

Patrick Cotnoir (30:12)
Yeah, yeah.

Geoff Garlock (30:18)
that'd be very fun.

I love when she sang something anti-vaxx on weekend update. My god.

Patrick Cotnoir (30:21)

Jason Gore (30:21)
it's always so good. Best part

of those episodes. A lot of people say Phil Hartman. I say Victoria Jackson. My God. my God. they're just going to give it. He's going to do all the weekend. Update himself.

Geoff Garlock (30:27)
My God, Dennis Miller off the chain. He'll start to just be able to go for it.

And the whole thing hosted by Shane Gillis and this is going to be wonderful. It'll be just Lauren going, finally.

Jason Gore (30:36)
And the whole thing hosted by Shane Gillis.

Patrick Cotnoir (30:37)
Wow, huge.

Jason Gore (30:41)
We did it. my God. All of these.

Geoff Garlock (30:42)
We did it. And when Shane Gills comes on, they

go, can we be funny now? And then Rudy will go, now you can, now you can.

Jason Gore (30:48)
And this just keeps going across the stage with Chevy chasing his lap. this

rolls. that's the game. Who do you think will be on the 50th anniversary of SNL special? Definitely a planned out segment here on 108.9. The Hawk. Hey, we do have to send a signal down. Geoff, could you do that?

Geoff Garlock (31:11)
We're sending the signal down to who? What are we? You just ran out of the studio, Whisp What exactly were you doing? You didn't tell me what, you know Scotty over here did not tell me what's going on. We're flying by sea of pens, you're running away from the mic. You know, we gotta get this back.

Jason Gore (31:15)
I thought you could do it. thought maybe you could read but I guess I was wrong. Christ. Well, we're sending the signal.

Patrick Cotnoir (31:26)

is a mess.

Jason Gore (31:28)
We're sending the signal down to Big Truck. He's broadcasting live at the Sammy Hagar School of Driving. Big Truck, what's going on?

Geoff Garlock (31:30)
put a big truck down at... my god.

Jason Gore (31:40)
Yeah, we're just down here at the Sammy Hagar School of Driving. What? Who was that? Who?

Geoff Garlock (31:43)
my God, Big Truck. Your background music was quite like, this is Geoff the Angry Man Garlak over here.

My God, Big Truck. This is Geoff the Angry Man Garlak. Do you have your headphones working this time? For these, no, Scotty, you got to before you send it to Big Truck. my God.

Jason Gore (31:51)
Who's talkin'? It's me, Big Truck.

Well, I don't know who's talking to me right now, but

we're down here at the Sammy Hagar school of good driving, where you're going to be here until, nine AM and I got koozies and t-shirts and, who was that? Now the koozies is that, is that, is that a Geoff, the angry man garlock? Hey man, who else in the studio with you right now, man?

Geoff Garlock (32:13)
Now Big Truck, what is on the koozies exactly? you heard that.

It's the Anger Man, yes, we've gone through this big truck.

Well, of

Patrick Cotnoir (32:27)

Geoff Garlock (32:27)
course we-

Patrick Cotnoir (32:27)
big, big truck. How's it going? This is Patrick Cotnoir Yeah. From Hey, that's me. A commentary podcast. It's called, Hey, that's me. A commentary podcast and big truck. can find it anywhere that you can get podcasts.

Jason Gore (32:29)
Who's that Patrick Patrick got no. wait wait. Well, what's the podcast?

I can find it. So I'm digging a hole. That's usually where I get my podcasts. I dig a hole. I found two episodes of Smartless. I found.

Patrick Cotnoir (32:45)
You found podcasts there before.


I don't know if the RSS feed auto-populates to holes in the ground, but I can double-check for you.

Jason Gore (32:55)

Geoff Garlock (32:56)
You should check because this is a pretty big audience for you, Patrick, just to say, just to let you know. Between holes in the ground and then tapes you buy at truck stops, the taped versions of podcasts are mostly what we listen to.

Patrick Cotnoir (32:58)
I didn't realize this. Okay.

Jason Gore (32:59)
That's pretty, there's a huge goddamn audience for you. Okay. So what kind of

So what kind of, who

Patrick Cotnoir (33:06)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jason Gore (33:10)
do you, who do you have on your podcast? Usually who do you, who do you like to have on there?

Patrick Cotnoir (33:12)
Who do we have on? The first

episode we did was David Ferrier doing the documentary Tickled. don't know if you guys have seen it's great. You should watch it, Big Truck. It's about competitive tickling rings. You like tickling, Big Truck?

Jason Gore (33:20)
my God, David Fairey here doing the document. never heard of him.

Geoff Garlock (33:21)
my god.

Jason Gore (33:27)
Can I dig it? Tick. Wait, well,

what is a tickle? What's a tickling ring? Cause a lot of men that I'm just going to tell you, I do a lot of driving in the big rig and I could be out there. And when you go to a flying J truck stop, the tickling ring is a little bit of a different thing. I think to them drivers then,

Patrick Cotnoir (33:35)
Yeah, yeah.


Geoff Garlock (33:43)

get in there and they'll be like, shower open, also opening in the tickling ring at the Flying J.

Jason Gore (33:47)
Tickling Ring Room

Patrick Cotnoir (33:48)

don't actually think it's that different than that big truck. think that's pretty close to what this is. Yeah, yeah, Yeah. Candy Clark, Oscar nominated for American Graffiti, did American Graffiti. Candy Clark, yeah.

Jason Gore (33:49)
1. Get on in. Really? well then I'm gonna love this movie.

Kenny Clark. That's

a song. Kenny Clark. Going on.

Patrick Cotnoir (34:05)

We got the guys who wrote the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem movie, the animated one that came out last year. They're doing it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jason Gore (34:13)
wait, what? Get out of here. That's my favorite

Geoff Garlock (34:13)
Get out of here.

Jason Gore (34:16)
movie. I watch it in the truck every night.

Geoff Garlock (34:16)
That was he.

Patrick Cotnoir (34:18)
The guy who played the predator in Prey did the show. Now we're getting into some good ones. Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got a damn predator.

Jason Gore (34:21)

Geoff Garlock (34:21)
Well now we're starting to talk some turkey here, eh?

Jason Gore (34:24)
You mean to tell me on your podcast that everybody can get anywhere goddamn podcasts are available You

got a goddamn predator Were you ever worried that? Oh my god Were you it was their situation there Patrick, this is big truck again, if you don't know if you can't tell to toot There was there ever a stitch. I'll tell I'll talk about the goddamn school in a second

Geoff Garlock (34:32)
You got a goddamn Yautja showed up in your studio. That is amazing.

Patrick Cotnoir (34:32)
We did. We did.

Yeah. Hey, big truck. Yes. No, of course. Yeah, yeah, no, yeah.

Geoff Garlock (34:53)

Jason Gore (34:53)
Was there ever a that's the guy dressed up like Sammy Hagar. His name's Chris. He owns the establishment. I will talk about it!

Patrick Cotnoir (34:53)
Who are you talking? Who's down there, big truck?


Putting him on the mic. Big truck. Can we talk to him? Yes. Of course.

Geoff Garlock (35:03)
Is he at least wearing red?

Jason Gore (35:04)
You want to, you want to talk to Chris, the guy dressed? Okay. Hold on.


Patrick Cotnoir (35:11)
Hey, Chris. Hey, this is Patrick Connor from Hey, that's me a commentary podcast. Yeah, we're we're live on the air in the morning. The angry man's here too. If you want to

Jason Gore (35:13)
Hey, who's this? Are we on the air? Are we on there?

well then come on down

to the Sammy Hagar School of Good Driving and things. You think that you can't drive 55? But you can! Down here at the, give me goddamn mic back. Okay, now talk, now here's my question.

Geoff Garlock (35:32)
boy, geez, don't give everyone a mic, big truck, Jesus.

Patrick Cotnoir (35:37)

And he was getting mad at you, Big Truck? okay.

Jason Gore (35:40)
He is so angry. that

that was a that was a show. That was a goddamn show where he was just like, I'm gonna I'm gonna they're gonna think that you're lying. They're gonna think that you're a goddamn liar. Did you ever think that when you were setting up this time with the predator and you and your buddy are sitting in your little podcast studio and you're like your little network sponsored

Geoff Garlock (35:43)
I could hear the rage in his voice.

Patrick Cotnoir (35:46)

I so.

Yeah, Brian.

my living room, yeah.

Geoff Garlock (36:10)
bit whole.

Patrick Cotnoir (36:10)
Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Jason Gore (36:10)
habit hole of a podcast hole. And

you're in there, man. And all of sudden you hear and those three red dots show up on your forehead and you're like, Oh God, the predators here.

Geoff Garlock (36:23)
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

Patrick Cotnoir (36:25)
Your question is, did I ever think that... Your question was,

did I ever think that was gonna happen?

Jason Gore (36:31)
My question is, did you think that was what it was going to have to go down in your podcast?

Patrick Cotnoir (36:36)
I was nervous, but I assumed that we would be fine and ultimately we were fine. He was nice, you know? No, no, no, no. He came in dressed as, you know, he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Which maybe sometimes predators wear that. I don't know.

Jason Gore (36:40)
Yeah, he did not come in dressed as a predator.

Do you?

Geoff Garlock (36:49)
Shorts and a t-shirt.

Jason Gore (36:51)
I mean a lot of predator three

Geoff Garlock (36:51)
sometimes I gotta relax. I can't always be hunting.

Jason Gore (36:54)
predator three shorts and a t-shirt. That was the beach one where they were all just down at the beach having a good time traveling through time handing out guns.

Geoff Garlock (36:58)
my god.

Patrick Cotnoir (37:00)
Predator goes Hawaiian. Yeah, yeah.

Geoff Garlock (37:03)

Special did the soundtrack to it. It was fantastic.

Jason Gore (37:06)

having a good time predators and they're all

Geoff Garlock (37:10)
Gonna take me,

take me back to Yautja Dice. And you're like, really? Wow.

Jason Gore (37:16)
And then here comes Danny Glover. He's got his gun.

Geoff Garlock (37:18)
Here he comes. He's like, I'm getting too

old for this shit. And you're like, well, wrong, wrong franchise. Come on.

Patrick Cotnoir (37:22)
Close Danny,

Jason Gore (37:23)

I'm I'm gonna go ahead and send the signal back up. I guess come on down here anytime you want. I'm gonna be here till nine. Who gives a shit? It is the Sammy Hagar School of Good Driving. I'm Big Truck on 108.9 The Hawk Okay, good. Good to hear Big Truck. I was taking a shit. What happened?

Patrick Cotnoir (37:24)


Hi, big truck.

Geoff Garlock (37:38)
My god, big truck, Jesus.

Patrick Cotnoir (37:43)
We talked to guy named Chris

Geoff Garlock (37:43)
I mean, so much.

Jason Gore (37:46)
Oh my, that guy is, I dealt with him. I did the business on this sale. What an angry dude. What an angry dude. There are two types of angry dudes. One, Geoff Garlock.

Patrick Cotnoir (37:50)
Yeah. I'm an angry guy. That's what we heard. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (37:54)
So pissed off.

Patrick Cotnoir (37:57)
Yeah, sure.

Geoff Garlock (38:00)
That's me.

Jason Gore (38:03)
It's Steve Miller Band on 108.9 The Hawk. wait, is this an Eminem song? Whoops.

You gotta live them every day. You get to bookin' hot stands. I don't understand why you weren't callin' your Northeast radio stations, Patrick, and just bein' like, could I hear Badlands again?

Patrick Cotnoir (39:10)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

little too south for us. Jersey's a little... yeah yeah you gotta cut it off at Long Island I think. Yeah.

Jason Gore (39:16)
so you're saying that's like a Jersey thing. okay. Because all those stations in. Yeah, all

Geoff Garlock (39:16)

Classic Long Island cutoff right there.

Jason Gore (39:24)
those stations in Jersey are just like

Hey, you're listening to fucking Badlands 102, Morris Townes favorite radio station. I was there. I lived in New York for a while. I was there. We did. Okay, so you're

Patrick Cotnoir (39:36)
That's pretty much how they are.

Geoff Garlock (39:39)
And then you get into

South Jersey and you got Daniel Bryan from Bon Jovi. My God, just the thickest Jersey accent.

Jason Gore (39:42)
my God. My God. The biggest Southern

accents in South Jersey. You go to welcome down here to South Jersey. We're all just dripping off Jersey majors down there fucking faces. my God. Well, Patrick, it's been good having you here now. You can get this podcast fucking anywhere. Now this isn't this isn't the only thing you do. You do a lot of things you do a lot of things with the real George Lucas.

Geoff Garlock (39:47)
Hey man, you can get all playing Badlands again on 104.5 Jersey.

Them old Jersey Maters.

Patrick Cotnoir (40:04)

Geoff Garlock (40:05)

Patrick Cotnoir (40:07)
That's, that's true.

True, yeah, the real George Lucas. Yeah, I work on this show called the George Lucas Talk Show with the real George Lucas and the real Watto from the Star Wars prequels. It's a talk show and we, yeah, we, it's true. It is true. do we regret that? Maybe a little bit. Should he have stayed in the cinema? Yeah, probably, probably.

Jason Gore (40:17)

Geoff Garlock (40:22)
can't even believe it.

Jason Gore (40:23)
cannot believe that you were able to suck him out of cinema and put him into real life.

Geoff Garlock (40:29)
It's like the last action hero, but with Star Wars.

Jason Gore (40:31)
my god.

Probably. What about

Geoff Garlock (40:37)

Jason Gore (40:38)
what I don't understand is waddo is fun. Suboba is more fun. You want Suboba in there.

Patrick Cotnoir (40:41)
Yeah, undeniably. Yeah, that's the guy. That's the guy. And

Geoff Garlock (40:45)
My god.

Patrick Cotnoir (40:47)
I think there's a chance that maybe Cebola shows up someday. You know what I mean? Like, you can suck anyone. Yeah, you can suck anyone out of the cinema at any time. Anyone. Anyone. The Night Bitch? Pull her out. Bring her into real life.

Jason Gore (40:50)
someday, Subobas in there.

Geoff Garlock (40:51)
This is Clusy?

Jason Gore (40:57)
That's the thing. That's the thing. Any day. If you're gonna if you're gonna suck. If you're gonna suck

Geoff Garlock (40:58)
Anyone, really?

I wanna pull

Jason Gore (41:04)
anybody out of cinema.

Geoff Garlock (41:04)
out Zero Mostel from the movie version of The Producers to be on your George Lucas talk show. Do think you could do that?

Patrick Cotnoir (41:09)
would love it.

Jason Gore (41:12)
my god,

that'd be amazing.

Patrick Cotnoir (41:12)
Maxby Alley stock would fit right in.

Geoff Garlock (41:14)
My god.

Jason Gore (41:15)
Oh my, but is he still

alive? Is he, can we get a Scotty? Can you look that up?

Geoff Garlock (41:19)
If he's

on cinema, he's alive in our hearts, and that's all that matters.

Jason Gore (41:21)
always alive

Patrick Cotnoir (41:21)

you asking if Max Bialystok is still alive or Zero Mostel? Max Bialystok? Yeah, I think he never dies. I think that's a big part of that show.

Jason Gore (41:23)
in our hearts. Yes.

Geoff Garlock (41:25)
The character Max Pialista.

Jason Gore (41:29)
good. Are you

saying that with your machine that you guys use on the George Lucas talk show? That I could suck out. Coke rock Neil Young from the last waltz. And he could just be that coked out Neil Young, coke rock in all the time.

Patrick Cotnoir (41:33)
Yeah. Yeah, to get Wado out.


And I think he's yeah, they

Geoff Garlock (41:43)
my god.

Patrick Cotnoir (41:48)
don't age they they stay exactly how they were when you love them and you just get him forever like that, which Yeah Yeah

Geoff Garlock (41:53)
And we could pull out, and this would actually make sense, could pull out

Russ Never Sleeps, Erin Neil Young, with those little jawas moving all that conceptual art around.

Patrick Cotnoir (41:59)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Jason Gore (42:01)
My God, with the Jawas. With the


Patrick Cotnoir (42:06)
I just saw that picture for the first time

Jason Gore (42:08)
Have you never seen rest never sleeps?

Geoff Garlock (42:09)
totally makes sense. It

totally makes sense why he would do all of the things he does in that, right?

Patrick Cotnoir (42:10)
I've never seen it.


Jason Gore (42:13)
I think

I want the jaw was taking my guitars out and putting up the big microphone. Empire had not even come out yet. There is no Empire and he's like, you know, what's hip and really big in 1979

Geoff Garlock (42:18)
It's a conceptual piece.

Patrick Cotnoir (42:18)
Also, years past Star Wars. This was like three years after Star Wars this happened.

Geoff Garlock (42:27)


just caught my hair. Let's bring the job away.

Jason Gore (42:39)
I'm putting on some suspenders. Where's my jaw? And that was those were all his friends. Crosby, stills and Nash were the jaw was those. They had to be on their knees and Steven stills is like, God damn it fucking Neil. God damn tired of doing this shit. he was out. He was out and and fucking Graham Nash was just happy to not be in my hollies. my God.

Patrick Cotnoir (42:45)
Yeah. And you can pull them out? Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (42:48)
All as the Jawas. Yeah.

Patrick Cotnoir (42:49)
shorter than you think they are.

Geoff Garlock (42:54)
I am so goddamn tall. David Crosby was just like, this works for me.

Patrick Cotnoir (42:59)

Geoff Garlock (43:04)
my god. One of my favorite Graham

Nash records, by the way. Happy to not be in the Hollies.

Jason Gore (43:09)
Happy to not be in the Hollies.

Patrick Cotnoir (43:09)
Happy holidays.

Jason Gore (43:12)
nothing sounds like the Hollies on it. It might as well be a death metal record.

Patrick Cotnoir (43:16)
This has really been a real learning experience for me because I like classic rock and I like music as a whole but like I feel like I'm learning so much just hanging out with you guys. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (43:16)
my goodness.

Jason Gore (43:23)
You really do. learn

if you want to learn something, ladies and gentlemen, you fucking learn by listening to classic rock radio.

Patrick Cotnoir (43:27)


Mm-hmm. I'm excited. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (43:32)
That's why I listen to it. When I go home, I turn it on.

just listen, because I'm just like, I just want to learn. And I do my own learning. And I do my own research. And I only do it through classic rock.

Jason Gore (43:36)
He just listens the whole time.


last plug Patrick before we go on because we do have Ed Begley Jr. coming up in the seven o'clock hour. He's gonna crash his little electric car right through the studio. He's talking about diesel. Yeah, he's just like, I gotta talk about fucking diesel. I'm like, everyone. It's gonna be no no questions about saying elsewhere though. He will be meant for a single guy. Again, here we go.

Patrick Cotnoir (43:47)
my gosh, I had no idea. That's amazing.

Geoff Garlock (43:51)
He's gonna be actually talking about diesel. He's very into diesel now, which is crazy.

Patrick Cotnoir (43:56)

A lot of changes.

okay. Well, that's.

Geoff Garlock (44:02)
I know all the kids on TikTok again are asking questions.

Jason Gore (44:06)
We are not, we're talking broad stuff here, Patrick. We're not talking niche things that keeps people from listening to this station. We are talking broad subjects like saying elsewhere. mean, my God, let's start talking Boston legal and then we'll get all of the listeners in.

Patrick Cotnoir (44:14)

Geoff Garlock (44:16)
Thrawn and Evergreen is our motto.

Patrick Cotnoir (44:18)
Look, you're-

Geoff Garlock (44:23)

Public. We'll just go down all the Boston short-lived TV shows.

Jason Gore (44:26)
Let's go down the fucking line.

Okay, what's your show called again?

Patrick Cotnoir (44:29)
Yeah, I mean if you want a non-niche podcast, listen to Hey That's Me, a commentary podcast, shows where we're doing commentaries on movies or TV shows with people who made them, who never got to do commentaries on them, or the George Lucas Talk Show, doing a lot of touring shows coming up in the new year, San Francisco, Los Angeles, probably New York soon after that. And you can find it all on YouTube and you can find the podcast anywhere that you listen to podcasts. Yeah.

Jason Gore (44:33)
completely, completely.

One last pitch.

I have heard that Andy Dick was not allowed to be anywhere near the news radio commentary.

Patrick Cotnoir (45:01)
wow. They only did one commentary. Okay.

Jason Gore (45:03)

Paul Simms was like, no Andy Dick, please. Would you let Andy Dick in to talk about any news radio episode he wants to?

Geoff Garlock (45:05)
I one.

Patrick Cotnoir (45:07)

The phrase, would you let Andy Dickinson to chill down my spine?

Jason Gore (45:18)
knowing that he's going to live on your couch for a good three weeks. Would you let Andy take in please self-publish?

Geoff Garlock (45:20)
That's also the name of his new autobiography coming out this year. Would you let Andy Dickhead, by the way?

Patrick Cotnoir (45:21)

Well look,

I think now that we've established the separate RSS feed for guest only episodes, I think him and Schneider would do a great duo act where they can just do, they can even do commentaries on each other's things. You get a dick commentary on the animal, you get a Schneider commentary on that, in the army, that episode of love that he was in.

Jason Gore (45:41)
my God, please, please.

Geoff Garlock (45:41)
now we're talking.

in the army now? That would be fantastic.

Jason Gore (45:48)


Patrick Cotnoir (45:53)
yeah, no, look, I think we're open to having anyone and, if, if they want to do it, they can reach out. I probably won't reach out, but they can reach out.

Jason Gore (46:01)
What about the big guy that worked on the farm in Sun and Law?

Geoff Garlock (46:06)
Good question.

Jason Gore (46:07)
Would you let the big guy who worked on the farm?

Patrick Cotnoir (46:07)
That is a great question.

Geoff Garlock (46:09)
You Carlo

Gugino and the big guy.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:11)
Uh huh. Yeah, the big guy. Is that how we promote him as the big guy?

Jason Gore (46:13)
The big guy. Looking up the big guy on IMDB.

Geoff Garlock (46:19)
I mean, nobody knows the name of the big guy. That's what his name is IMDB. He's got credits.

Jason Gore (46:19)
There it is, the big guy. He's the big guy on IMDB. Yep, there you go.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:24)

Geoff Garlock (46:25)
He was also in Parker Lewis Can't Lose. One episode.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:27)
Wow. Wow. Wow. Yes, would have.

Jason Gore (46:27)
my god, are you kidding me? Wow! What a career.

Geoff Garlock (46:31)
Again, TikTok,

this one's for you, the Parker Lewis can't lose reference.

Jason Gore (46:33)
This clip this,

put it in there to hashtag it FYP. Everybody's gonna be watching.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:39)
How many people tune into your guys show every

Jason Gore (46:41)
Every morning, 400,000 Valverdiens.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:45)
That's pretty good. That's gotta be most of the town, right?

Geoff Garlock (46:45)

Jason Gore (46:48)
That, God, no way. No way. No, we've got 500,000 people. So there's still 100,000 that just aren't sold. Just not sold. And then podcast-wise, 20.

Geoff Garlock (46:49)
that's, that's, ugh. Come on.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:51)
No? How? okay. You Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (46:56)
We're trying to get to their ears.

Patrick Cotnoir (46:59)
Okay. Yeah.

Wow! We gotta get those numbers up, guys!

Jason Gore (47:07)
Though we were told that was good. Scotty, you did tell me that that was good. Is 20 not good, Scotty? Well, he's just shaking his head. We'll never know. We'll never know. He's probably just bopping his head to Cherry Bomb by John Mellencamp on 108.9 The Hawk.

Geoff Garlock (47:08)
Wait Scotty, what were we wrong? It's 20 not good.

Yes. Kind of a circular motion this time, though, so.

Jason Gore (47:38)

welcome to 108.9 the Hawk. This is the real Jason Gore.

Geoff Garlock (47:42)
Is the real Geoff Garlock.

Patrick Cotnoir (47:42)

Wow, what a time!

Jason Gore (47:43)
And welcome. Thank you. still have

my I'd rather be an in bed mug, which is a real mug that I choose to drink out of many, many mornings and I do enjoy

Patrick Cotnoir (47:48)

So what's the level of reality now? We're out of the show. This is real you guys. But you guys, you guys were playing those characters or those are separate guys? Okay. You can cut, you can cut this out if you want. Okay.

Jason Gore (47:56)
We're out of the show. This is real life. This is

Geoff Garlock (47:57)
Ouch. This is just life.

Jason Gore (48:00)
We are, we, those are separate guys. What are they? Whisp, Turlington.

Geoff Garlock (48:03)
I mean, there's a fine line between both of them.

Jason Gore (48:07)
Yeah, no, no, no, I want to keep that in there because honestly,

you probably at least 50 podcast listeners are asking the same thing. But we also have to say that it is the interview because we had gabris in here one time and we were we started it by saying it's the interview and we start talking about his TBS show and how great it is and he's like, is this an interview? He's like, because you guys were being really, really nice. And no, no, we love him for it.

Patrick Cotnoir (48:14)
That's true. You just gotta, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

Geoff Garlock (48:31)
Really threw them off. And we love them for it.

Patrick Cotnoir (48:32)
Yeah. People aren't normally nice to gabris,

so I get that.

Jason Gore (48:37)
Yes, yeah, only nice to gave us I got the t shirt.

Geoff Garlock (48:37)

Jason Gore (48:40)
That's it. So this is I remember you teasing this idea of a podcast on with you with your buddy. You guys were teasing it on the Twitter's or the X as all the cool kids call it. And I was like, what is this going to be? And you guys were keeping it under your hats. You're both wearing hats. Famously, just a big old top hat.

Patrick Cotnoir (48:45)
Yeah. Yeah.

Brian yeah, whatever you want to call it

Mm-hmm We're trying to yeah, I famously always do

Geoff Garlock (49:04)
Big hat guy.

Patrick Cotnoir (49:06)

Jason Gore (49:07)
And I'm like, what's it gonna be? Basically, yeah, you and Slash shop at the same store in Los Feliz and went, oh God, these hats, they're so fucking expensive. Oh, yeah. And then the idea came out, you guys announced it I was like, fuck, they were right. It's a good goddamn idea.

Geoff Garlock (49:07)
like slash, slash was like, ooh, Patrick's got some good ideas.

Patrick Cotnoir (49:13)
Yeah. It's expensive. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (49:19)
Gosh, so much turquoise.

Patrick Cotnoir (49:27)
It's a fun idea. Yeah.

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it's been fun. We've done I think we have 13 in the bank ready to go So yeah, it's been we've gotten some like cool people and people that I think don't get to talk about Those kind of things at length, you know They're doing like a frickin Navy Club interview or whatever and it's like you're not really getting to the meat of the deal where you're like Watching this being like this day. I was sick or this day, you know, everyone wanted to go home or whatever and it's just it's fun hearing like 90 minutes of someone talking about one thing

Jason Gore (49:36)


Right, right, right.


Patrick Cotnoir (50:01)
You know, yeah, that's true. They only talk about one thing. Yeah. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (50:01)

Jason Gore (50:02)
Yeah, that's why people come to when we put in the hawk because they like to hear us talk about Billy Joel all the time.

Geoff Garlock (50:09)
Yes. Patrick, have to ask you, have you, I assume you have, but have you

ever watched, listened to the Conan the Barbarian commentary? It's the first real commentary I remember getting on a DVD. I remember that and being excited Seven had one when that DVD first came out. But it's...

Patrick Cotnoir (50:18)
No, tell me more.


yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.

Jason Gore (50:29)

Patrick Cotnoir (50:31)

Jason Gore (50:33)
I want to hear the ins and outs of what they were thinking in the making of the movie Seven.

Patrick Cotnoir (50:37)
I'm sure it's

Geoff Garlock (50:37)
just the

Patrick Cotnoir (50:38)
a fun one. I'm sure it's really fun. Yeah. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (50:38)
depressed screenwriter. was, it was a good, but so you have to, because it truly was like a mind blowing one of Schwarzenegger and John Milius. John Milius could not stop creaming his jeans about his own movie. And he just always talks like this. He's like the power of steel when they're showing the sword. And Arnold, much like as we know Arnold now, I've read like three of his autobiographies. I love the man very much for his craziness.

Patrick Cotnoir (50:58)

Jason Gore (51:06)
And those are

great audio books, by the way. mwah.

Geoff Garlock (51:08)
They are. He can't

Patrick Cotnoir (51:08)

Geoff Garlock (51:11)
remember anything that happens in the movie. So the entire thing goes, this is where Conan's riding a horse. This is where Conan gets laid. Oh, he sure gets laid a lot. Like there's just literally just telling you the thing he saw. And then it does match when I remember reading Total Recall, talking to a friend of the show, John Murray. And he's like, he remembers nothing about his movies because it wasn't only about him and everything about.

Patrick Cotnoir (51:13)
That's so funny.

Jason Gore (51:18)

Patrick Cotnoir (51:32)
Yeah, sure.

Geoff Garlock (51:36)
weightlifting he remembers every detail but it's so it's worth listening to because they're both working together on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Patrick Cotnoir (51:40)
that's so funny.

It weirdly

depends like that kind of commentary can be my least favorite thing or the best thing Depending on who's doing it because sometimes you get a boring one where the person's just like okay And he's walking up the stairs here, and he's entering the room, and you're like my god Just talk about anything else, but then if you get someone insane like that doing it. You're like well. This is what I

Geoff Garlock (51:49)
Mm-hmm. Yes.

Jason Gore (51:51)

There he goes, opening the door.

Geoff Garlock (51:55)

I remember being very excited for the sleep-way camp commentary because I was like, the filmmaker will explain that crazy murder with a curling iron. And then he just kind of glazes over it. And you're like, buddy, come on, you know what we want to be hearing about.

Patrick Cotnoir (52:06)
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.


I met someone a few months ago and that is their mother. The girl who gets killed by the curling iron is her mother. Isn't that wild?

Jason Gore (52:18)
We're here for that.

Geoff Garlock (52:23)

And she is an

amazing, crazy actress. Like the way she emotes all the time. That is a great beat. Those are the types of beats that I get excited about.

Patrick Cotnoir (52:29)
Yes. Yes.

Jason Gore (52:34)
There's an episode for you. There's an episode.

Patrick Cotnoir (52:34)
Yeah. I'll say, I'll say

this. That sh the daughter said, I can get you my mom for your podcast. So it sounds like that might have to happen.

Geoff Garlock (52:40)
Well, this is get this and let me just come on for two minutes to just be like, I love you and your work. I mean,

this is what me and Jason get excited about. And this seems like it's like a big chunk of your podcast is like, we're always like, man, I wish I could meet the extras in the kiss, lick it up video. I don't give a fuck about me and Gene Simmons. I want to be like, so what was it like on that day where you're filthy and eating mustard?

Patrick Cotnoir (52:54)
Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes.

Jason Gore (52:56)

Patrick Cotnoir (53:03)
huh. huh.

Jason Gore (53:03)
It's yeah, filthy

dressed women spraying mustard and ketchup into their mouths like that's the food of the future in the kiss lick it up video.

Patrick Cotnoir (53:09)

Those are the only people that I care about. mean, on George's talk show during COVID, we would do fundraisers once a month where we would watch one season TV shows and have people on from the shows to talk about it. And I mean, the best one, the best one we did was Studio 60. And we watched all of Studio 60 in one day and we had 60 people from Studio 60 on the show. Getting down to like the costumers or like PAs, it...

Jason Gore (53:22)

That's amazing.


Geoff Garlock (53:37)
How did I miss this, Patrick? Cause that, I mean...

Jason Gore (53:38)
I watched I

watched it. It was tremendous.

Patrick Cotnoir (53:41)
It's all on YouTube.

Geoff Garlock (53:42)
Yeah, I will watch them.

Patrick Cotnoir (53:42)
It's one of my favorite things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's the best. But things like that where I'm like, yeah, I just want to talk to a PA or I want to talk to like the stand-ins or whatever. One of my dream articles, which I've pitched to my friends run a Muppet website called

Jason Gore (53:44)
I love studio 60 so fucking much. I

Geoff Garlock (53:47)
so much.

ooooh braggmuch

Jason Gore (54:04)
my bruh,

Patrick Cotnoir (54:04)
One of my

the dream thing I want to do and I've told them this is I want to interview all of the pirates who are not Tim Curry in Muppet Treasure Island Just to be like what are your guys deals like what who are you? So I I love that very specific niche like the guys or girls who were just there the whole time But like didn't do a ton and you're like, what was the vibe? Tell me everything, you know, and I think that's what this show is

Jason Gore (54:05)
my friends.

yeah. Yeah.


I'm at a

Geoff Garlock (54:28)
I just watched

Denzel Washington's Ricochet for the first time recently, which I had never seen. as Jason can tell, as someone who did a podcast about Canon films for four years, both me and Frank Hale were like, how did we not see this? And every moment of that movie is the most insane movie that's ever existed. But we both, Frank and me got obsessed with all of the character actors in background. There's one guy dancing real hard in one scene.

Patrick Cotnoir (54:33)
sure. Yeah.

Jason Gore (54:33)
so good. So good.

Ricochet is great.

Patrick Cotnoir (54:52)
That's so, that's great. Yeah. Amazing. Amazing.

Jason Gore (54:52)

Geoff Garlock (54:57)
Everyone goes for it. And it's just

Patrick Cotnoir (54:59)

Geoff Garlock (54:59)
like that's who I want to talk to like Denzel is not gonna give you any answers that guy's just gonna

Patrick Cotnoir (55:01)
Yeah. No.

Jason Gore (55:01)
I met I met a makeup

I met a makeup guy at the vet strangely a couple weeks ago and we were talking about work and everything and he told me that he worked with Peter Weller recently and I was talking to him about the RoboCop documentary which if you haven't seen it it's just batshit crazy Peter Weller hates the whole process

Patrick Cotnoir (55:19)


Geoff Garlock (55:23)

Jason Gore (55:26)
And I was telling him about pieces of that documentary and he's like, it tracks. He's like, so we were working on Hawaii Five-O during COVID. So this was like 2021. And we had to have a real baby on set, but we couldn't because of COVID. So we made a robot baby. And the person brings it up to Peter Weller.

And he's like, Hey, Robo cop brought you a robot baby. And he's like, get the fuck out of here. And then somebody else he told me another story of Weller, where he was like, the person was talking to just like doing small talk on set, I guess in between takes or whatever. Because apparently, if Weller does a good take, he treats himself.

Patrick Cotnoir (55:55)


Jason Gore (56:18)
He automatically just goes, he calls cut himself, he goes and has a cigar, and then has something sweet as a treat for himself. And he calls it his treat. And he goes back. And the person was like, Hey, so do you like shooting in Hawaii? And Peter Weller just like shoot him a look. He's like, Do I like shooting in Hawaii?

Geoff Garlock (56:26)
and Robocop its Oreos.

Jason Gore (56:40)
I've lived in Hawaii for 29 years. I'm a resident. And he kept going. That's like, he's like, like, that's like asking a virgin if you like to have sex for the first time. And this extra is probably just like, okay. Thanks, Robo. The virgin has no idea. No, the virgin has no clue. You can't relate that. He's like, in my treat time. Because

Patrick Cotnoir (56:55)
terrible analogy though because the virgin would not know they wouldn't know if they liked it they don't know well or

Geoff Garlock (57:06)

Patrick Cotnoir (57:08)
That's the best.

Jason Gore (57:10)
I think it's

such a, it's such a cool idea for a podcast, Patrick. I I'm so excited for you because that's just.

Patrick Cotnoir (57:12)
Thank you.

Geoff Garlock (57:14)
Yeah, it's one that I'm

constantly like now. Just like, oh, you should try to do this episode. You should try to do it like I'm just like Friday 13th the series. Get Robbie from Friday 13th the series.

Patrick Cotnoir (57:19)
send me everyone should set gaps alone would love that

I want the guy who's the guy who's the lawyer now from Friday the 13th he's like an entertainment lawyer I think no he's in like he's in like Friday the 13th like for something like that he's the goofy guy I want him I have not reached out but I should try to

Geoff Garlock (57:30)
Is the main guy an entertainment lawyer now? yeah. Yeah.

Jason Gore (57:40)
I said Sun

and Law earlier, but I don't think Sun and Law had a commentary where I would kill to hear that because it's one of my favorite movies.

Patrick Cotnoir (57:44)
Great, great. Yeah, yeah, Yeah,

we just had the costume designer for the West Wing on and she did the pilot. like people like that are so interesting to me just because I'm like, what's your life like, you know? And now she is like the White House costume lady. Like she did Scandal. She's doing the new, there's some new stuff that's coming up. No, no, no, no, no. I mean, like if you're doing a White House thing, they're like, well, we gotta get Lynn. Lynn's the lady.

Jason Gore (57:53)

Geoff Garlock (57:53)
It's fun.

Jason Gore (57:57)
Yeah. Yeah.

I thought you meant at the actual White House.

Well, we gotta get her.

Geoff Garlock (58:10)
I think that's, there's

like the Seinfeld costume designer has her Instagram that I, that's like the one I care about because she'll just be like, oh, this actor was great, like on set. They love doing this thing backstage. And I'm like, I love that shit.

Patrick Cotnoir (58:15)
really? That's great. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so funny.

Jason Gore (58:24)

are your dream guests?

Patrick Cotnoir (58:24)
Yeah. Ooh, that's a great question. Who are my dream guests? I, man, I should have an answer for this, shouldn't I? I want like, I want some of the old ILM guys, like the visual effects guys, just, but to like.

not talk about Star Wars because that's all I do is talk about Star Wars on George Lucas, you know, like, but I want to have like guys talk about Galaxy Quest or I want to have guys talk about, you know, yeah, exactly. Anything like that. I would love to, you know, Frank Oz is always the dream guest for something. He just did a Muppets Take Manhattan one that I've not heard yet, but I've heard it's great. But he's hard to get in touch with, you know? So there's...

Jason Gore (58:53)

Geoff Garlock (59:01)
If you use

your hunting down skills to get Rabbotin, I mean, that's like, that's the ultimate, to me, that's the ultimate get. Like, cause he's hidden off and he's like, won't talk to anyone.

Patrick Cotnoir (59:05)
I would love, would loooove Yes, 100 %

100 % Yeah Yeah

Jason Gore (59:14)
I think I think our dream guests,

at least for me, Weird Al Yankovic, I'd love to have on Phil Hendrie, he did. Amazing.

Patrick Cotnoir (59:20)
great yeah did george lukas talk show yeah

Geoff Garlock (59:21)

Patrick Cotnoir (59:26)
i believe weird al i think we have the longest consecutive interview with weird al i don't think there was a longer we had three and a half hours he did and i don't think that anyone has had more than that

Geoff Garlock (59:31)
that's pretty fu-

Jason Gore (59:32)
That's insane. my god.

Geoff Garlock (59:35)
That's amazing.

Jason Gore (59:37)
I was at a film screening where they did like a little mixer afterwards and he was there. And I was I don't get starstruck. But like in terms of like somebody who's influenced everything that I do, I could not say hello. But I could say hello to fucking Billy Zane dressed up like a 1940s biplane pilot.

Patrick Cotnoir (59:49)
Of of course. Yeah.

Geoff Garlock (59:52)
I get it.


who gives a fuck? Talking about Zoolander.

Patrick Cotnoir (59:57)
would love Billy Zane on anything.

Jason Gore (59:59)
my god, Zane, that's a podcastright there. Zane on anything. my god. Well, Patrick, thank you so much for doing this. was absolute absolute blast and we'll see you all next on 108.9 The Hawk 

Patrick Cotnoir (1:00:02)
my god. Yes.

Geoff Garlock (1:00:04)
Billy Zane on Dead Calm? Oof,

now that is what I care about.

Patrick Cotnoir (1:00:13)
Thank you.

Geoff Garlock (1:00:13)
This is fantastic.

Patrick Cotnoir (1:00:16)
Thank you.


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Katie Rich

Katie Rich is an American comedian, writer, and actress. She gained prominence as a writer for "Saturday Night Live," particularly on the "Weekend Update" segment. Rich's comedic talents extend to animation, as she is a co-showrunner and voice actor for the critically acclaimed HBO Max series "Harley Quinn." Before her SNL success, she honed her skills at Chicago's Second City, performing in both touring companies and on the mainstage.